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Apps That Help Me Succeed

We are in the midst of the technology age and there are new apps being released every day. I am always looking for more convenient ways to get schoolwork and chores accomplished and using apps is something I have found to be very beneficial. Here are a few apps that I feel help me academically and mentally.


Forest is an app with a simple focus, to get you to concentrate on something other than your phone. Think of it as a fancy timer; You set the app to keep track of the time you are off your phone, and in that time, it grows a digital tree to put into your forest. If you pick up your phone, the digital tree dies. I have a hard time getting work done when my phone is nearby, but once I hunker down and get 20 minutes or so into my work, I start to go on a roll it gets easier from there. By avoiding picking up my phone and seeing all the progress I made in the past, this app keeps me motivated.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

While this app may seem simple, it is a free tool that helps me out on a daily basis. Anytime I need a definition or a synonym, this app is right in my pocket. My favorite part of this app is the “Word of the Day” feature. I get a notification sent to my phone every morning giving me the definition of a new word that I have never heard of. This app helps me by teaching me something new every day.


Quizlet is an app that helps you make flashcards as well as building study games and learning tools for free as per their website. This app is a staple in most college and graduate students’ pockets. I use this to memorize and learn new material, but the search function is what I like the most about it. I can google other people flashcards to compare them to mine and prepare for tests even better by using both of our notes.

These three apps are ones that I believe attribute to some of my professional success.

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