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Why Public Relations Matters in the Information Age: Part III

Public Relations and Advertising has always been a vital part of society, but with the ever-changing addition of technology, how do we help employees to keep up? As a young professional, I want to help the people who do not feel comfortable when new technology and platforms are introduced in the workplace. Here are three ways bosses enforcing new technologies can help their employees succeed!

1) Minimize the Technology Scale: As humans, we don’t like to have more information thrown at us than we can handle. No one likes to be overwhelmed with information, so try to take it step by step! Instead of incorporating something like Photoshop into your employees work routine, start them off building a small graphic in PowerPoint, and work their way up to photoshop status.

2) Be Willing to Help, but not Eager: As a young professional, I am one to ask a lot of questions. What I have learned is that the answer is sometimes in the struggle. I don’t think anyone really wants to fiddle around with Adobe Premier for 3 hours for one graphic, but in the early stages of learning new programs and technologies, it’s better to experiment and learn the tools without babysitting from your boss. This being said, if you have a small question, take notes and learn from it and keep exploring the platform!

3) Create a Glossary: If you are integrating a new technology into your workplace, making a glossary of terms can be a huge help. If you are going to be learning the software, such as DivvyHQ, so incorporate into the workplace, it will be easier to post questions in a glossary that you may have had when you were learning. This will help employees waste less time asking questions, and less time spent with you answering them!

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