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My Favorite Advertising Campaigns

In a digital world, physical advertisements get lost. Why pay for an ad on the back of a bathroom stall when you can pay for it and do half as much work to get it put up on Facebook? What advertisers are missing is the key piece that a really good physical advertisement can impact their brand and get them coverage on both social media and in the real world. Here are some of my favorite examples of physical advertisements that ended up getting media coverage because of their popularity.

1) Oreo Elevator: Dipping Delicious

I came across this video in my class, and I believe its simplicity was brilliant. You can see in the video above that it is drawing people’s attention without having to be distracting. It is the perfect mix of eye catching without being annoying, and it does the job of getting you to crave an Oreo in the process. With this project seemingly having a low budget, it truly hits all the marks of a good physical advertising campaign.

2) Lay’s: Potato Instillation

In Jackson Tunnel in the city of Chicago, this temporary installation was set up for 3 weeks showcasing Lays Potatoes. The purpose of this campaign was to show that local farmers grow the potatoes used for Lays potato chips. As shown in the photo above, this ad was grabbing passersby’s attention. I believe this is a good advertisement because it is both eye catching and it incorporates its surroundings while being underground.

3) Unbelievable Bus Shelter: Pepsi Max

While this advertisement is more expensive than the last two, it also had a bigger impact with over 8 million views on YouTube to date. Pepsi had a discreet screen installed at a busy London Bus stop, what the passersby saw was unbelievable to their eyes, they saw meteors and UFO’s, things that would never really happen. But Pepsi made these things that were once unbelievable seem believable, even if it was just for a second. This advertisement is eye catching to say the least, and it gets Pepsi’s already popular name out to the public.

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