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My Favorite Commercial Campaigns

As a public relations major, I am always on the lookout for campaigns that catch my eye and draw my attention towards a brand. As someone who feels that Super bowl Sunday is for the commercials, and not for the football, here are some of my favorite commercials.

1) 2018 Kia Stinger

In this commercial, Steven Tyler pulls a Benjamin Button by going back in time to the hit days of his band Aerosmith. While I do like the overall coolness of this commercial, one of the things I like best about it is how it manages to show off the 2018 Kia stingers car features without drawing away from the overall purpose of the commercial which is to showcase the vehicle. It shows the Stingers back-up cam features, the sleek body of the vehicle, as well as many of its other features. The commercial differentiates itself from other car commercials with its use of Steven Tyler and the concept of going back in time but gets the point across that this is a good car.

2) Globe Telecom

In this lengthier commercial, a man gives what appears to be a homeless dog shelter and forms a bond with him, only to find out that the dogs original family is searching for him. Once he makes the decision to reunite the dog with his original family he ends up forming a bond with the original owners with the help of his telephone and broadband connection. This commercial is one that pulled on my heartstrings but also got the point across about the reliability of their brand.

3) Toyota of Portsmouth: The Family Tree

This commercial showcases the capabilities of a Toyota truck, as well as their ties to family cars. In this commercial they are discarding a tree that has been on their family’s land for generations. With the help of their Toyota pickup, they haul the tree to be redone into a table for their parents. The commercial is short without cutting out any of the story line or the features of the pickup.

In the end, a good commercial makes a huge difference in brand recognition. Not only are commercials one of the single best uses of a company’s money to draw attention to their product, it also creates healthy competition.

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