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Professionalism as a Young Adult in the Workplace

Updated: Sep 25, 2018

I accepted my first position as an intern in the summer of 2018. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work for a large company that had many branches all across the globe. Upon my start date, I realized I knew very little about corporate culture and etiquette in the workplace. Here are a few things I wish I would have known when I began my internship:

1) Ask questions: When I started, I was nervous about most things regarding my new job. I wanted to ask a thousand questions but knew I didn't want my boss to look back and think they hired someone who wasn't confident in their abilities as an employee. I ended up refraining from asking questions, but down the line my boss expressed to me that they wished I would have asked more questions. If they are a good boss, they will not look down on you for asking questions and wanting to be thorough.

2) Don't Apologize: I know what you are thinking, and this does not mean "You are right and never apologize for any wrongdoings." What I do mean is, working a job you are new at means that you are going to make mistakes, but you do not need to apologize for not yet being a master at your craft. This being said, be confident, learn from your mistakes and take pride in knowing you are doing the best you can. Say things like "Thank you for your corrections! I find these really helpful in the learning process." Instead of "I'm sorry, I'll do better next time."

3) Be a "Yes Man": Putting your best foot forward at the beginning of an internship is the easy part, continuing that pace of putting in the extra work is the hard part. Making the decision to keep going the extra mile at your internship/job will benefit you and build stronger bonds with the people you work with. Being known as the person who is willing to do extra work will always pay off, just be aware to not run yourself ragged.

In the end, each internship and job is different. I hope these tips help you at your job!

Two professionals, walking in business attire. Both are shown smiling.
(Photo courtesy of

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